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Content by tag : Students


The University of Ghent, like last year, was the highest ranked Belgian university in the 2016 Academic Ranking of World Universities, released on Monday.


A student renting out a room in Belgium will spend an average of €4,375 per year, or €349 per month, all expenses included, according to the Flemish Centre for Budget Advice and Research (Ce


Choosing a school in Belgium is an important step in setting up a life here for your family, whether it’s for one year or for


The head, legs and arms of Xhuliano B a 22-year-old ULB law student of Albanian origin, were found in two suitcases in a Dilbeek park following a search in the area o


In September, the Vives University College, based in Kortrijk and with campuses across West Flanders, will launch a bilingual Bachelor degree in business management in Dutch and French.


Several Belgian universities yesterday took part in a signing ceremony at the residence of the US ambassador to Belgium, Denise Campbell Bauer.


Qualifications endowed by Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg  will now be automatically recognised in all three countries.


In its annual report released this week, inspectors of the Flemish education system were very critical of the quality of Dutch-speaking education in Brussels.
