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Work advice required


Hi Everyone,

Wondering if someone can advise me on what to do in this situation, I am 36 and have been working in IT security for a company in Brussels for 7 years. I got forced into a job i did not want I am contemplating quitting my job in order to train for what i want which is web development, i should have enough funds to last me for 2 years.

I would really appreciate any advice during this frustrating period in my life.

Thanks have a nice day.


What's the worst case scenario if you follow your dream and it doesn't work out? Is that worse than staying in a job and environment you hate? You sound like you resent your current employer? The trust and respect has gone?

Life is too short to be feeling trapped in a job that makes you unhappy. Especially if the atmosphere is toxic.

If you really want to do it and can afford it, and are willing to accept any possible consequences if it doesn't work out, then do it. Life your live and enjoy it.

Jul 9, 2014 09:21

Unless I'm mistaken, you've been whining about your job (big bank, starts with E) for at least 6 years now. Do us a favour - just quit and stop whining.

Jul 9, 2014 09:32

Dear J,

Kindly refrain from using unconstructive remarks, thank you for your co-operation.

Jul 9, 2014 09:53

No-one can advise you what to do.
You have two options - stay or go.
If you stay, you might spend the rest of your working life wondering whether you should have gone.
If you go, you might spend the rest of your working life wondering what possessed you to leave the security of a regular income a month before your hated boss left, for the disaster that your life has become.
On the other hand, if you go it might turn out to have been the best decision that you ever made but there is no way to know in advance and, if you choose the wrong option, you don't get to go back for another try.
YOU have to make your decision and YOU have to live with the consequences. No-one else can make it for you.

Jul 9, 2014 10:41

I'm confused. I work in IT and there are so many jobs out there, that the only people who I've met who are completely miserable in their jobs, are the incompetent ones.

If you said, I work in the commission and I'm stuck in my job, I would completely understand, since a bunch of people work there for the easy money, but hate their job, but obviously, they can't switch jobs, as that would mean less money, etc.

But if you're in IT, how are you stuck? In other words, if you're so good at your job, I'm sure you have the mental ability to train yourself in web development. Hell, I trained myself on that on my own after my normal hour work, and it was something I did out of curiosity, more so than enjoyment.

Thus, my question to you would be, before jumping ship, how good of an IT professional are you? And obviously, I know enough sucky IT professionals who think they are good, but if they were good, they wouldn't be stuck in a job to begin with because there are so many opportunities out there for IT talent, specially if you're good at what you do.

Jul 9, 2014 10:41

Hello Wpbreps,

And thank you for your input, I was once an experienced and specialized systems administrator, i guess i made the wrong choice moving to Brussels, since i got here i guess i feel useless and incompetent, the skills and knowledge i possessed were lost.

I will not dwell in the past and concentrate whats important to me is to acquire the skills that will make me into a web developper, there are many courses online, sometimes in life you have to bite the bullet and move on, staying at my current employer will only make things worser. Once i have a career plan i should be fine.

Jul 9, 2014 11:34

"sometimes in life you have to bite the bullet"

So why are you waiting till September to quit?

Jul 9, 2014 17:05

So you've spent the past 7 years in a shite job that bores you senseless. You have an IT background, so you MUST have been looking for something else, and have failed miserably to find another job. And you've not managed to get any advancement or additional training that progresses you.

You have no dependents and such a shite social life that you have managed to save 1/3 of your salary, yet you have failed to retrain yourself with the aid of a few books and online courses in your extensive free time.

"Systems administration" is not "specialised".

I can assure you - this next remark is as constructive as they come.
Do NOT try to become a "web developper". (it's web developer with 1 "p" BTW according to my spell-checker plug-in). You simply do not have the temperament, talent, creativity, whatever-you-want-to-call-it to be any good at it, and the money is shite.

Jul 10, 2014 14:28

Try reading a book ,like what colour is your parachute, it's gives lots of steps to assess then suggests a career that would suit your strengths.

Jul 10, 2014 14:39

Sometimes just looking at the options makes you reassess your current place too don't quit until you've got a firm plan in place

Jul 10, 2014 14:41
