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Content by tag : safety


Bars and cafes throughout Belgium must close at 23.00 from Friday and allow only four people per table, as the country's coronavirus restrictions are tightened.


new crisis centre has opened in an undisclosed location in Brussels, to allow the authorities to co-ordinate their response in emergency situations such as a terrorist attack.


Hotels, restaurants and venues in Brussels that have gone the extra mile to ensure visitors’ safety have been awarded a special label by the Brussels region and tourism agency


Brussels police will reinforce their patrols around schools over the coming weeks, paying extra attention to dangerous driving and bad parking.


Soldiers will continue to patrol Belgium's streets for at least a month longer than planned, after their mission was extended until October.


Lokeren, near Ghent in East Flanders, is the first city in Belgium to get an illuminated pedestrian crossing.


Do you have a “tunnel reflex”? Flanders’ Roads and Traffic Agency would like you to and have launched a safety campaign about it.


Belgium's CD&V political party is campaigning for a complete ban on tanning salons and the sale of sunbeds to individuals.


Wearing a mask, no one can see you smile. So two Belgian entrepreneurs have come up with a solution.
