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Content by tag : safety


Two toddlers in a Brussels nursery school managed to leave the building without an adult and wander through the city unaccompanied for nearly an hour.


Brussels residents are calling for increased security in parks after multiple stabbings in recent weeks. 


A man has been charged with attempted murder for pushing a woman on to a metro track in Brussels just seconds before a train approached.


A bus driver in Brussels intervened in a dangerous situation to ensure police could apprehend a man who was sexually harrassing a young woman.


The pre- and primary school Kameleon in Anderlecht has promised to take steps to prevent children from leaving the building unaccompanied, after a four-year-old made a run for it on Monday.


An interactive exhibition in Brussels allows adults to see the dangers in a household – from the perspective of a two-year-old.


The City of Brussels has launched a campaign to improve pedestrian safety in the city centre.


Brussels Airport is carrying out tests in the use of drones to monitor and, if necessary, chase away birds. Birds can pose a dangerous threat to airplanes that are taking off or landing.


Some 15,000 more people have died this year in comparison to an average year in Belgium, making it the worst year for mortality since the Second World War.
