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Content by tag : protest


In an upbeat video launched last February by Stib and Brussels' transport ministry, an idyllic world of tiny, plastic people go about their cit


A group of concerned parents and asthma advocates has started a petition to demand that the Brussels government do more to improve air quality in the city, reports


Brussels’ Place Sainte-Catherine on Wednesday inaugurated 10 new terraces, putting an end to the “no man’s land” in front of the church, according to Brussels minister Marion Lemesre.


Scientists used 280,416 test animals in 129 labs in Flanders last year, according to the Flemish department of environment, nature and energy.


The Belgian Taxi Federation (FeBeT) will send an ultimatum to the federal and Brussels governments requesting they put a stop to the alternative taxi service Uber by 1 September, announced the fed


The Brussels-Capital Region has decided to file a conflict of interest procedure against the federal government over the number of flights from Brussels Airport taking the canal route over heavily


The City of Brussels has a new logo, featuring the image of its patron saint, Michael, stylised into something similar to the logo of cartoon character Batman.


Some 350 lorries blocked traffic on the inner Ring Road in Brussels yesterday, a demonstration organised by three road haulage industry federations.


Flemish culture minister Sven Gatz and Brussels minister Pascal Smet (pictured) have joined forces to seek a solution to the dispute over the closure of radio station FM Brussel, which wa
