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I have never been so embarrassed to be British!!! I cant believe the country has beed swayed by so called national pride! pride for what? we are a joke! totally ashamed!

o sé

History has shown that Albion are little islanders who want to controle Europe.Mike being a Brit I understand that you can't imagine how Europe can exist without you. The big pity is that Britain joined in the first place. Now we can go forward for a real Europe. You have the audacity to whinge about immigrants in Britain, don't worry we are more civilised, we will treat you better .

Jun 25, 2016 20:08
o sé

History has shown that Albion are little islanders who want to controle Europe.Mike being a Brit I understand that you can't imagine how Europe can exist without you. The big pity is that Britain joined in the first place. Now we can go forward for a real Europe. You have the audacity to whinge about immigrants in Britain, don't worry we are more civilised, we will treat you better .

Jun 25, 2016 20:09
o sé

So being happy that the disruptive member of the club is finally gone is foolish!! Mike go back to your island before they raise the drawbridge.

Jun 25, 2016 20:27

If you voted out because of "unelected politicians" then well done because we're about to get an unelected prime minister.

If you voted out because of immigration then well done, because you just lost the right of free movement too. Just wait 'til you have to get a visa to go to Glasgow or Belfast.

If you voted out because people were "stealing your jobs" then well done, because you're about to see Germany and France "steal" Nissan and a bunch of other companies who only manufacture here as a gateway to the eu market.

If you voted out because you think we'll get a great trade deal with the EEA "like Norway did", think again. Take a look around your Sainsbury's Local and try and find any fruit and veg that's grown in the UK. We need them more than they need us, and like the EEA, we'll have to accept EU policies like free movement as part of a trade deal anyway - except now we won't be able to have any say in them.

If you voted out because of vague scaremongering headlines like "Migrant Crisis" then please, feel free to remind me when it was that Syria joined the EU.

If you voted out because Farage promised £350m for the NHS, then I'm sure you'll be happy to watch him on This Morning revealing that that was a lie.

If you voted out and you're heading into retirement, then great job! Because now the working people of this nation will break their backs to afford your pension without the influx of young, economically active and skilled EU migrants.

If you voted out because you think we'll be better off, the £ has just fallen by 8% against the dollar.

And if you voted out because you love this country, prepare to see it crumble, with threats of a unified Ireland and an independent Scotland just hours after the result was confirmed.

Well done, Britain.

Jun 25, 2016 22:03
o sé

You have explained perfectly, pity the in campaign was not as clear.

Jun 25, 2016 22:35

Many of us voted to stay.

Jun 26, 2016 09:37

@ Sohcahtoa
And many of us were not allowed to vote.
I can understand - though I don't agree - that I could not vote because I have lived outside UK for 15 years.
I cannot understand why my French daughter-in-law was denied a vote. She is married and has lived, worked and paid taxes in UK for 25 years but was excluded because she has French nationality.
Ironically my 3 granddaughters, who also have French nationality, were included on the basis of their British Dad. And the youngest was only 18 years and 3 days when she voted to stay in.

Jun 26, 2016 11:53

Kasseistamper.....I firmly believe that denying a vote to people who have lived outside of the country for more than 15 years is entirely the right thing to do. On the other hand, I also firmly believe that long term tax paying residents should be able to vote as well. Plenty of people who are very pro EU also argue that anybody who is not a citizen of the member state should not be allowed to vote, so make sense of that if you will. As it stands, anybody taking advantage of free movement is stripped of basic democratic rights in their country of residence. It's about as logical as those who claim to be pro EU and happy about the UK leaving. There will be more referendums in more member states and more opportunities for these people to celebrate the unravelling of the EU they claim to support. Funny old world, eh?

Jun 27, 2016 11:27

And Drifter.....The most vicious, malicious and spiteful nationalism I have come across in the last few days appears to be coming from a nation called EU.

Jun 27, 2016 12:19
