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Out of the court etat des lieux


I want to know the consequences of having an etat des lieux between the landlord and the tenant out of court. No agencies involved. Who has an upper hand in this case?
The etat des lieux in question is very generic and states the colour and the looks of each item. For example, wall paint is white and is in good condtion. Floor is wooden and is in good condition.
What is good condition? Is there a definition of good.
Also, its not a signed document. It was just discussed and shared via email, does it have any value?


What do you mean by "out of court"?

Who was present? An expert reporting to a Belgian court?
A real estate agent?
None of them?
Only you and your landlord? (to be avoid at any price)?

It would be better to post your question on a specialized website like:

You will get very fast knowlegeable and legal answers for free!

Mar 5, 2012 12:20