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Is my boss commiting fraud???


I'm a musician who works in various bars as a singer/guitarist.
I have recently started playing at a bar for 60 euro per gig but the landlord is making me sign receipts for 150 euro.
I am uncomfortable with this as it's money I haven't earnt but I need gigs and I fear she will stop booking me if I don't sign.

Is she commiting fraud and could I get into trouble for this?

Help please :-(


It's not just a problem for your boss, it's also a problem for you. Signing the receipt is acknowledging that you have received the money. So one day, if the bar is ever controlled by the tax or social security people, they're going to ask you for tax and social security on the €150, even though you only ever saw €60.
I can appreciate that you may need the money, but frankly it stinks, and you'd be better off without it.

Mar 6, 2012 15:42