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guidance counsellor - update


does anyone know the equivalent of a guidance counsellor here in Belgium, someone who can advise a young adult on his career direction?


Schools in Flanders and dutch-speaking in Brussels are connected to a CLB (centrum voor leerlingenbegeleiding - Center for student counselling) these centers have leerlingbegeleiders/guidance counsellors. Usually you have to contact the center connected to your childs school. But it is also possible (sometimes) to just contact a center and ask for an appointment with a leerlingbegeleider regarding career choice. you can look for the CLB connected to your school here:

I believe these centers are called PMS (centre psycho medico sociaux) in Wallonia and french speaking Brussels. I think they work in the same way. You can look for your schools PMS center here:

But the easiest thing may be to just ask the school where you can go for this kind of thing.

Jul 25, 2012 15:32

Another option would be to also contact a Career Guidance counsellors at
who help the young ones to discover their talents and passions and help to take a decision what is best for them to study.

good luck!

Apr 10, 2014 19:47