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Electricity Payment


My electricity provider is Luminus. I started the contact with them two weeks ago. So far I can see the bill amount is 35 euro including "Abonnement". I am not sure what exactly it is. Does anyone know? Do all the electricity providers have? Do we have to pay this amount every month?

Thank You.


The standard format for paying utility bills is that you pay a regular estimated amount and the accurate amount is calculated annually with an adjustment either way so that you end up paying the correct amount over the course of the year. Gas and electricity are usually billed monthly and water quarterly. Each year the estimate is based on the usage for the previous year.
As a new client, the supplier has no history to base your bill on so they will set a figure based on the usage of the previous occupiers.
It makes sense to check your monthly usage for the first 3 or 4 months to avoid an unpleasant shock at the end of the year. On the other hand, if you feel that you are paying more than you should, you can ask to have your monthly payment reduced.

Sep 3, 2017 19:16