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Do you speak "french legalese"


I have a paper my work is asking me to sign, but I don't understand a small part of it.

I was hurt at work (back injury) and reported it the same day, but get the impression I'm being messed around a bit.  I've been paid for my first two weeks off correctly, which is what I understood my employer was obliged for (the first 2 weeks,) and the first bit of this letter is about that, though the dates are wrong so I'll be asking them to correct that.  The second bit though, mystifies me.

"Par la présente, le travailleur pré-cité déclare donner subrogation à son employer, à concurrence de ce montant pour percevoir, en ses lieux et place, de l'assureur le montant des indemnités visées par les articles 22 et 23 de la loi du 10 avril 1972 sur les accidents de travail, et afférente aux 2ème, 3ème et 4ème semaines d'incapacité de travail (maximum 23 jours-calendrier)."

Anyone know what this means?



Looks like your employer wants to ensure it is paid by their insurer for the indemnities covered by article 22 and 23 of the law mentioned above, which are related to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th weeks of you being unable to work.

From the wording here it looks like you might be entitled to pay for the 3rd and 4th week as well, but that's up to the insurance scheme in question.

Oct 24, 2011 11:38