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Content by tag : Politics


King Philippe has appointed N-VA party president Bart De Wever as informateur, whose task it is to lead the formation of the new federal government.


Last Friday saw the state funeral of former Belgian prime minister Jean-Luc Dehaene, who died on May 15 in France at Onze-Lieve-Vrouw church in Vilvoorde, just outside of Brussels.


At 11.00 this morning in Vilvoorde began the farewell service for Belgium’s former Prime Minister Jean-Luc Dehaene, who died on May 15 after a fall while on holiday, age 73.


Flemish politician Herman Van Rompuy, Belgium’ former prime minister and current president of the European Council, has published a book of essays called Europe in the Storm in which he d


Six-year-old Maxim, “The Kid Politician” from Brussels, is passionate about Belgian politics.


Former Christian Democrat minister Jos Chabert has died at the age of 81, announced the CD&V party on April 10. "The CD&V loses a committed Christian Democrat.


Former Belgian prime minister Yves Leterme will leave his post as Deputy Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for a top job at Stockholm-based IDE

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American President Barack Obama's visit to Brussels on Wednesday brings with it heavy security costs amounting to about €10 million, reports The Guardian.
