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Content by tag : Finance


 In days gone by, Belgian high street banks had the market for private banking to themselves.


As it is now in Belgium, the biggest portion of your assets following your death automatically goes to your children.


Crowdfunding, the practice of financing a new business venture with small contributions from a large number of people, is not popular in Belgium.


The financial capability of European countries last year rose above the level of before the financial crisis in 2008s.


If Belgian administration wasn’t enough of a hurdle, the long-term financial implications of being an expat in Belgium are an added headache.


Flanders’ minister-president Geert Bourgeois and budget minister Annemie Turtelboom have been asked to return from the summer holiday break early to explain their proposed budget cuts in the Flemi


The number of pensioners in Belgium continues to rise, according to the annual report of the National Pensions Office (RvP).


According to the Price Observatory’s quarterly report, published by the Belgian Federal Institute of National Accounts (INR), real estate in Belgium is 9% overvalued.


Acting federal finance minister Koen Geens has said the government will appeal against a decision by the EU Commission that states that a government guarantee on funds deposited with Arco is illeg
