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Content by tag : Elections


Ideology and negative perceptions of democracy and politics were decisive factors in voting behaviour at the elections in May, analysis by researchers in Brussels and Leuven has shown.


Bart De Wever (pictured), the chair of Flemish nationalist party N-VA, has said that confederalism or further state reform should be on the table in talks over forming a federal government.

Socialist celebrations 26 May 2019

In a similar picture to the rest of the country, Sunday’s election for the 75-seat Walloon parliament saw the main parties all suffering a considerable dent in their support.


Extreme right party Vlaams Belang made the most gains in yesterday’s regional and federal elections, while N-VA got the most votes at both the regional and federal level.


Green party Ecolo was the big winner in Brussels' regional elections on Sunday, doubling its number of seats to 15 to become the region's second largest party behind PS.


After last October's municipal elections, some eight million people in Belgium return to the polls this Sunday for a triple whammy of voting in regional, federal and European elections.


Pensions and the N-VA are dominating online discussions in the run-up to the May elections, researchers at Antwerp University have found.


Marine Le Pen, president of France’s far-right National Rally, is encouraging French speakers in Belgium to vote for the Flemish political party Vlaams Belang.


Ecolo is the most popular political party in Brussels, according to the latest poll, carried out as a litmus test for next month’s regional and federal elections.
