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Content by tag : Charity


Staff from the EU institutions have dug into their own pockets to raise over €150,000 for charities offering medical and food aid in pandemic-ravaged Spain and northern Italy.


As the coronavirus crisis rages, it’s easy to feel helpless. But it’s also easy to make a difference.


Anyone who wandered through the Galeries Saint-Hubert in the centre of Brussels at the weekend couldn’t have missed the striking white carpets completely constructed of origami edelweiss.


Food banks in Belgium distributed a record number of meals last year, with charities warning that "the poverty rate is constantly increasing".


The Warmest Week – Studio Brussel’s annual festive fundraising drive – has enjoyed a record year, with thousands of people supporting at least one of the charity activities that took place under t


The annual end-of-year party, concert series and charity drive De Warmste Week (The Warmest Week) has kicked off in Kortrijk.


The Brussels fire department has issued an end-of-year warning that imposters are calling at people's doors, pretending to be firefighters to collect donations.


The number of homeless people in Brussels has gone from 1,730 in 2008 to nearly 4,200 in 2018. That’s well more than double the number of people living on the streets.


Brussels' homeless charity, Samusocial, has launched an appeal to businesses and private property owners to find suitable premises to accommodate 600 homeless people in the city this winter.
