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Content by tag : Brussels


Brussels mobility minister Pascal Smet on Friday launched the city's annual Mobility Week.


There is free wifi throughout the refugee camp in Brussels' Maximilian Park, provided since Friday by Belgian telecom company Proximus.


Members of employers' organisation Unizo on Thursday visited refugees staying in Brussels' Maximilian Park, to provide them with information on how to become independent or find work in Belg


Unions representing the staff of the Flemish public broadcaster VRT have threatened to shut down all services next Tuesday if a planned meeting of the board on Monday approves the restructur


So far, more than 600 people have signed an online petition for the preservation of two local cafés located on Brussels' Place de la Liberté.


Brussels finance minister Guy Vanhengel (Open VLD) wants to abolish the mortgage tax break in the Brussels-Capital Region in exchange for a substantial lowering of the registration fees, rep


A plan to offer temporary accommodation to asylum-seekers waiting to be processed has met with little response, a result, said federal migration minister Theo Francken of the overwhelming su


As expected, more than 4,800 farmers with 1,000 tractors arrived in Brussels yesterday to demonstrate during a meeting of EU agriculture ministers.


A night shelter for asylum seekers that opened its doors for the first time yesterday in the Brussels WTC tower remained nearly empty last night, as hundreds of refugees chose to stay overni
