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Brussels tests heat recovery from sewers

13:42 21/08/2013

Brussels water company Vivaqua is currently conducting a test in Molenbeek to try to extract energy from inside sewer pipes. The company has installed a test run in a Brussels sewer and will find out after the winter whether or not it was successful, writes Flemish public broadcaster VRT. Heat exchangers placed underneath the intersection of Chaussée de Gand and Myrtle Avenue would conduct heat to a heat pump, which then recovers the energy. If the results of the test are positive, Vivaqua plans to include the installation in more sewers in the future. "Sewers give off a lot of heat, with an average temperature of about 12 to 15 degrees Celcius, but in this period even up to 20 degrees," Vivaqua's Olivier Broers told Energy from the sewers can be used for heating homes. "And that lowers energy bills, which in turn reduces CO2 emissions."

Written by The Bulletin



What a brilliant idea. Sewage is greatly undervalued!

Aug 21, 2013 18:26

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Feb 11, 2015 06:27

Great article, I think its a good idea that more innovations like these are undertaken! I know that New York City and London have similar heat resources below their streets if only they were harnessed in this way district heating and heat recovery could generate vast savings if only to the public sector buildings that could utilize this energy. learn more about heat recovery here.

Feb 11, 2015 19:53