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Up to 28% of fines not being paid

09:44 07/03/2014

A news report is revealing that Belgium is missing out on a vast potential government revenues, and it’s not taxes. A Belgian news outlet shows that a high percentage of police and court-ordered fines go unpaid. Apparently up to 28% of police and court fines are never paid, along with 14% of criminal court fines. Translated into euros, the figures show that the Belgian state is losing a potential of 118 million euros.

According to the report, failing to pay for fines does not result in any further penalty. Although the court has the authority to order days or weeks in jail for those who don’t pay up, the power is never utilised. This makes the fine itself a personal ethical decision rather than a legal obligation. 

In light of the report, Belgium’s Justice Minister Annemie Turtelboom says there is a plan in the works to pursue the unpaid fines, which will go into effect in the coming weeks. 

Written by Andrew King



It's not the Belgian State that is losing this money, it is the Belgian tax-payer! Typical of this country's lax administration, unfortunately.

Mar 7, 2014 13:34